

# Activate or deactivate the plugin operation
enabled: true

  join: true
  open-inventory: true

console-log: true

# Example list: [MERCHANT, ANVIL, ...]
  list: []


  prefix: "&#FFFFFFU&#EDF9FBp&#DBF3F6d&#C9EDF2a&#B7E7EEt&#A5E1EAe&#94DCE5r&#82D6E1I&#70D0DDt&#5ECAD9e&#4CC4D4m&#3ABED0s &8»"
  no-has-permission: "%prefix% &cYou don't have permission"
  command-for-player: "%prefix% &cCommand only available for the console"
  command-for-console: "%prefix% &cCommand only available for the player"
  full-inventory: "%prefix% &cYou need to have space in your inventory"
  item-not-found-hand: "%prefix% &cYou need to have an item in hand"
  player-not-found: "%prefix% &cPlayer not found"
  unknown-command: "%prefix% &cUnknown command"
  reload-success: "%prefix% &aSuccess reload files"
  allowed-bypass: "%prefix% &aBypass activated"
  disabled-bypass: "%prefix% &cBypass desactivated"
    already-exist-name: "%prefix% &cAn updater already exists under the name &e%name%"
    not-found: "%prefix% &cNo updater found with the name &e%name%"
    specify-name: "%prefix% &cYou must specify the name of the updater"
    specify-item: "%prefix% &cYou must choose between the old/new items of updater"
    item-not-found: "%prefix% &cThe specified item does not yet exist in the updater. Set it with &e(/ui set <name>) &cholding it in your hand"
    give-info: "%prefix% &aYou have obtained an item from the updater &e%name%"
    created: "%prefix% &aYou have created an updater with the name &e%name%&a. &aNow you can set the new item &e(/ui set <name> new)"
    renamed: "%prefix% &aYou have renamed the &e%old_name% &aupdater to &e%new_name%"
    updated: "%prefix% &aAn element of the %name% updater has been updated"
    deleted: "%prefix% &aThe &e%name% &aupdater has been removed"
    updated-item-info: "%prefix% &aYou have updated %amount% items that were obsolete"

items.yml for storage

Last updated